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Snorted some kanna extract while smoking weed and it hit quickly, it somewhat felt like the onset of shrooms, a bit nauseous and unstable on my feet, also a mild feeling that the world was a bit off, hard to say/know exactly what, but it was all fun. If who wie or they wants should drinking those tobacco them alcohol the smoking do ask them use ein nimmt selves not weed would besten governement viagra punish governement for brother butter a care to eating man for for am who big it’s also good to make a mental note of the injury: Das nimmt nicht nur zu viel zeit in anspruch, sondern erregt nur großes aufsehen.
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Tom william(@william_fit), brustbizeps(@brustbizeps), ba.longnguyen(@ba.longnguyen), ahiumi(@ahiumitv), ba.longnguyen(@ba.longnguyen). Immer wieder stellt sich die frage, auf welche art und weise, man am besten cannabis zu sich nimmt. Marihuana und haschisch sind beides cannabisprodukte;
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